Foster Application Mandatory fields are marked with * Date How did you hear about It's A Dog's Life Fostering Network Your first name* Your last name* Age Email* Mailing address* Physical address* Phone Number(home)* Phone Number(cell) Phone Number(work) Do you live in a (Type of home): Do you: OwnRentLive with ParentsOther If Renting, please indicate landlord contact information Household Setting: RuralSuburbanUrban Describe your Homes Activity Level: Busy/NoisyModerate Comings/GoingsQuiet with Occasional Guests Please List all People Living in the Household (Include Name, Relationship, Gender and Age)* Does Anyone in your Household have Allergies to Animals? YesNo Are all members of your Family agreeable to Fostering a Dog? YesNo Please List any Pets you have Living or Deceased (Please include Name, Breed, Age, Altered, Sex, UTD Vaccines, Heartworm, Living/Deceased)* Do you have a preference in sex of foster? MaleFemaleNo Preference Are you willing to foster a dog of any age? YesNo If not, what age would you consider? What size dog are you willing to foster? (Check all that apply)* SmallMediumLarge Please describe the type of dog you are willing to foster (Please include breed, coat length, personality traits, energy level, hypoallergenic) We always want to make sure we have the best fit for our foster homes. Do you drive or have access to a vehicle to bring your foster to events (weekly Meet the Hounds on Saturdays or other events) YesNo If No please explain Are you willing and able to medicate your foster, as needed? YesNo We cannot guarantee a dog to be housebroken, are you equipped to train with love and patience? YesNo Have you had any experience with with an emotionally or physically neglected or abused dog? YesNo If Yes please explain Are you willing to use a crate for a dog if recommended? YesNo Do you have a fenced yard? YesNoPartial If fenced, please give details on height, material, # of gates, are gates locked or lockable? How many hours in a day would the foster be left alone?* What are you plans to exercise your foster? Please list any parks near by or trails, how many walks a day, approximate length, and activities such as agility. Vet Reference: Full Name* Vet Phone Address Please list 3 personal references with names, addresses, phone numbers and how related. We prefer it not to be all relatives. Are you ok with this? YesNo Reference #1: Full Name* Relation to applicant(s): Email Phone Number Address Reference #2: Full Name* Relation to applicant(s): Email Phone Number Address Reference #3: Full Name Relation to applicant(s): Email Phone Number Address I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE TERMS OF AGREEMENT LISTED BELOW* YesNo By sending this electronically, I acknowledge that I have completely read this questionnaire and comprehend it fully. I understand that applying does not ensure approval and that untruthful answers or failure to comply with the requirements of this application can result in the forfeiture of any IT'S A DOG'S LIFE FOSTERING NETWORK animal fostered by me. I certify that the above information is correct, and I understand that the information will be verified. I understand that by submitting this form electronically, I agree to release and covenant to hold harmless IT'S A DOG'S LIFE FOSTERING NETWORK and it's members from any claims, damages, costs, or actions incurred because of the care or actions of the foster dog. I accept full responsibility for the dog(s) actions at all times, and release IT'S A DOG'S LIFE FOSTERING NETWORK from any liabilities or damages that may be incurred because of fostering such dog(s). I agree to have IT'S A DOG'S LIFE FOSTERING NETWORK complete reference call checks and conduct a home visit inspection to be able to approve my foster application. I agree that if I'm unable to foster the dog(s) anymore that I will return the dog(s) to IT'S A DOG'S LIFE FOSTERING NETWORK and try to give IT'S A DOG'S LIFE FOSTERING NETWORK a 2 week period to try and find another suitable foster for the dog(s).