Online Adoption Application NOTE: all fields in this application must be completed to be considered for adoption Name of Dog Apply to Adopt Your name Email Phone Number(s) Address MAILING & PHYSICAL Please Indicate your age range: 21 - 3031 - 4546 -6060-7070+ Are you or another family member able to come home at lunch? YesNo Are you currently employed? YesNo Employment details of all family members eg. hours, employer , flexibility Has anyone in your household been convicted of a criminal offence? YesNo If YES, please explain What type of home do you live in? ApartmentCondoHouseAcreageFarm Do you Own or Rent? OwnRent If you rent, please provide your landlords name and phone number: Do you have a fully fenced yard? YesNo6 ft If NO, how will you keep this dog contained? If you move what will happen with the dog? If you are planning to have children, will the dog remain a member of the family? YesNo Please list names, ages and relationships of all other household members: Are all household members in favour of this adoption? YesNo Do any household members have allergies or asthma that may be aggravated by the addition of a dog? YesNo What is your reason(s) for wanting to adopt a dog? Companion for personCompanion for dogChildren's petWorking dogSport dogGuard/Protection Dog Have you previously owned a dog? YesNo Do you currently own a dog? YesNo Have you previously applied to adopt a dog from other rescues or shelters? YesNo If YES where did you apply? If YES, were you approved for adoption? YesNo If YES, please explain: Please list types, breeds and ages of other animals in the household and whether they are up to date on vaccinations and spayed/neutered: If not spayed/neutered explain why not: Please list types of animals that have lived with you in the past 5 years and are no longer in your care. indicate the reason that they are no longer with you. What age(s) of dog are you interested in adopting? Young puppy (under 12 weeks)Puppy (3 - 12 months)Young Adult (12 - 18 months)Adult (18 months - 7 years)Senior (0ver 7 years) What sex do you prefer?* MaleFemaleNo preference Do you have a breed preference?* YesNo If YES please state what breed(s) Would you consider a mixed dog breed?* YesNo What type of coat do you prefer? Smooth/short coatRough/long coatNo preference Is there a household member home during the day?* YesNo If NO, how long will the dog be left alone? Where will your dog be when you are away from home? Where will the dog spend the majority of time when the family is home? Where will the dog sleep? How important is it that the dog you adopt is housebroken on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 being the most important.* 12345 Do you plan to enrol the dog in obedience classes?* YesNo If NO, how do you intend to train the dog? Are you willing to buy and use a kennel/crate if recommended?* YesNo What activity level(s) are you looking to adopt? Moderately activeFairly livelyEnergetic What is your experience with training? HousebreakingHome obedienceAdvanced obedience Are you willing to housebreak your adoptive dog?* YesNo What types of behavioural training have you had experience with, if any? ChewingJumping upSocializing with dogsSocializing with adultsSocializing with childrenFearful/anxious dogsNippingDominanceHuman aggressionOther What types of the above behaviours would you prefer to not deal with? Would you allow It's a Dogs Life to come to your residence and perform a home visit?* YesNo While It's a Dogs Life does our best to disclose any behavioural problems that we are a aware of, do you understand that rescued dogs may have a history of behavioural problems common to its particular breed or related to previous ownership? YesNo If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please take the time to indicate them below. Please list two personal references and their phone numbers. No relatives please. What veterinary clinic do you currently or have previously used? Who is your veterinarian? Veterinarian's Phone Number: May we contact your veterinarian?* YesNo I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE TERMS OF AGREEMENT LISTED BELOW YesNo Any information we request and receive will be kept private and confidential. Information will not be shared without written consent from the adopter. If authorization is denied or not granted, the adoption will not be completed and the dog will remain in or be repossessed from the adopter by It’s A Dog’s Life. Please see the full Terms of agreement NOTE: YOU MUST BE 21 YEARS OR OLDER TO FOSTER OR ADOPT. CONSIDERATION MAY BE GIVEN TO FAMILIES UNDER 21 YEARS.